Currently, the amount of video traffic is growing exponentially and so is the availability of high-resolution videos from mobile devices. However, this also increases the storage burden and bandwidth requirements to transfer these videos. As presented in Back to basics: GOPs explained we require an approximately 12 Gbps bitrate to carry uncompressed 4K video. So video compression techniques are crucial for video transfer, processing, and storage. Two popular compression standards that have been widely adopted in recent years are H.265 (HEVC) and AV1.
H.265, also known as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), is a video compression standard developed by the Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC), a collaboration between the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG). H.265 offers significant improvements over its predecessor, H.264, including higher compression efficiency, better visual quality, and support for 4K and 8K resolutions.
AV1, on the other hand, is a royalty-free, open-source video compression standard developed by the Alliance for Open Media (AOMedia), a consortium of technology companies including Google, Mozilla, Netflix, and Amazon. AV1 was designed to provide even better compression efficiency than H.265, while also addressing some of the patent and licensing issues associated with previous video compression standards.
In this article, I will compare these two algorithms across metrics like compression efficiency, speed, reconstruction quality, etc, by testing them out on a custom video dataset.
For the purpose of this blog, I recorded 15 videos of 60 frames each in HD resolution (1920x1080). The total size of this dataset was \(148.7MB\). I use this same dataset across all my experiments below.
To setup the compression systems, I use Python along with FFmpeg with H.265 and AV1 codec activated. I used this guide - FFmpeg Compilation Guide to compile FFmpeg on my system. The only thing you need to be careful about is to follow the steps under libx265 which is the H.265 encoder and libaom which is the AV1 encoder.
Once you compile FFmpeg, you can use scikit-video to read and write videos in your Python code using \(FFmpegReader\) and \(FFmpegWriter\).
Now lets dive into the experiments.
The most obvious experiment to do is to check the compression ration offered by the two standards. Now the thing to remember here is that both of these compression standards offer something called “Constant Rate Factor (CRF)”. CRF allows the user to tradeoff between quality and compression ratio. Its quite obvious that, the better compression ratio you have - the poor the reconstruction would be. For this experiment I will use multiple values of CRF for both H.265 and AV1 and we can observe the trend for different CRF values.
Shown below is the code to compress a video using H.265 standard. The code had two major components - creation of the writer and writing of individual frames. In the function open_writer, I pass the width and height of the frames that I want to compress. Along with these I also pass in \(q\), which is the CRF value that I want to use. Inside this method, I create a x265 config where I set the CRF value, which ultimately becomes part of the output dictionary that is required by the \(FFmpegWriter\). In the second function write_multi_frames, I write a batch of frames to the above created writer.
def open_writer(w, h, q):
file_random_name = str(time.time())
video_name = "./tmp/outputvideo/" + file_random_name + "_H265.mkv"
x265_config = "crf={}:".format(q)
out_dict = {
rgb_yuv_writer =
inputdict = {
outputdict = out_dict,
verbosity = 1)
def write_multi_frames(input, rgb_yuv_writer):
bt, c, h, w = input.size()
frames = output.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
frames = frames.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8)
for i in range(bt):
rgb_yuv_writer.writeFrame(frames[i, :, :, :])
For AV1, the procedure is quite similar. The only function that changes is the open_writer where I change the encoder to AV1.
def open_writer(w, h, q):
file_random_name = str(time.time())
video_name = "./tmp/outputvideo/" + file_random_name + "_AV1.mkv"
av1_config = str(q)
out_dict = {
rgb_yuv_writter =
inputdict = {
outputdict = out_dict,
verbosity = 1)
In the image below I plot the graph for compressed size vs CRF value for both the compression standards. From the graph, we can see that there is not a lot of difference between the compression ratio offered by the two standards for the CRF value.
![]() |
Figure A.1 |
Visual Quality
In the previous part we compared the compression ratio at different CRF values. However, in reality this is an unfair comparison since two different standards might provide different visual quality at the same CRF. By visual quality, we try understand the closeness of the uncompressed video to the original video. To investigate this, we use two metrics - Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity (SSIM). These are two industry standard metrics that have are used to compare two images. So for this experiment, we compress and de-compress our video, and then compare the reconstructed frames to the original ones and calculate PSNR and SSIM.
![]() |
Figure A.2 |
In this figure, we can see the AV1 provides a better visual quality for CRF values. In fact, if we observer carefully, we get the same visual quality from AV1 and CRF=27 that we get from H.265 at CRF=21. If we put this context with our compression ratio, this would mean that AV1 can offer higher compression ratio at similar visual quality as H.265.
Processing Times
The next important factor to compare these algorithms is the time they need to encode and decode. Currently when we are using FFmpeg, we are essentially encoding using software without any hardware acceleration. While both H.265 and AV1 can be decoded using software-based solutions, hardware support is also an important factor to consider. H.265 has been widely adopted by hardware manufacturers, and many modern devices, including smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs, include hardware acceleration for H.265 decoding. AV1, on the other hand, is still relatively new, and hardware support is currently limited.
Hence for the purpose of this discussion, we will only consider the software based encoding.
Also, since we established that we get similar quality of image at CRF=27 for AV1 and CRF=21 for H.265, we will restrict our discussion to these specific configurations. H.265 takes 2.83s on average to encode the entire data and takes 1.74s to decode the same. AV1 on the other hand takes a whopping 445.799s to encode while 2.865s to decode. Ahh! so here’s the catch, AV1 is so good but it takes so much time to process. In any real-time system, this would be a deal breaker.
However, like any good algorithm, AV1 provides some dials that we can tune to achieve better computation speeds at some loss of quality. I would suggest to look into switches like -cpu-used, -usage realtime and -row-mt 1 from AV1 - Controlling Speed/Quality to improve these processing times.
Licensing and Royalties
From a business perspective, one of the key advantages of AV1 over H.265 is its royalty-free status. H.265 is subject to licensing fees, which can be a significant barrier to entry for some companies. AV1, on the other hand, is completely free to use and is not subject to any licensing fees or royalties.
In conclusion, both H.265 and AV1 offer significant improvements over previous compression standards, and both have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. While H.265 is widely supported and offers hardware support but it comes with a licensing issue. AV1 has the potential to surpass H.265 in terms of the compression efficiency and visual quality, and its royalty-free status makes it an attractive option.