Auto exposure algorithms are an essential feature of digital cameras, helping to ensure that images are captured with the appropriate exposure levels in a wide range of lighting conditions. I discussed this in great detail in my last blog. While these algorithms have traditionally been designed with consumer photography in mind, recent academic research has taken a different approach. Instead of focusing on consumer goods, the latest research papers are geared toward acquiring the best possible images for computer vision tasks and algorithms including autonomous vehicles, facial recognition, and virtual reality. To develop more accurate and efficient auto exposure algorithms, researchers aim to improve the quality of images by using more sophisticated techniques, which is what I will be covering in this blog. In this blog, I will delve into a series of five chronological research papers on auto exposure and examine the innovative approaches that are advancing the field of photography and computer vision.


In the realm of auto-exposure research, what I have realized is that the entire idea of these research papers can be broken down into four key areas.

  1. Prediction Model - The prediction model to determine the optimal exposure setting for a scene can be based on either deep learning (DL) or non-DL approaches. Non-DL based models often use heuristical approaches to make predictions. On the other hand, DL-based models use neural networks to learn from large datasets of images to predict the optimal combination of gain and shutter speed. Some researchers are also developing hybrid approaches that combine both DL and non-DL based models to achieve the best of both worlds.
  2. Optimization Metrics - In addition to prediction models, researchers also focus on defining optimization metrics that determine what makes a good image or sequence of images. Common optimization metrics used in auto-exposure research include dynamic range, gradient information, entropy, etc. These metrics are used to evaluate the quality of an image captured under a variety of exposure settings.
  3. Algorithm Focus - The purpose of the algorithms differs from paper to paper. Some researchers focus solely on shutter speed, while others work on optimizing both shutter speed and gain. As discussed in my last blog shutter speed refers to the amount of time that the lens is open and hence it determines the amount of light that enters the camera, while gain refers to the amplification of the signal to achieve a desired brightness level. There is a third line of choice as well where the algorithms are designed to work on an implicit definition of "exposure value", rather than breaking it down to explicit settings.
  4. Dataset - Finally, the choice of dataset approach plays a critical role in auto-exposure research. There are not a lot of public datasets which conform to the requirements of a specific academic paper. The author tends to use specialized datasets that are tailored to specific applications. For example, researchers working on autonomous driving might use a dataset of images collected from cameras mounted on cars, while those working on facial recognition might use a dataset of faces captured under different lighting conditions. Hence, this is where data acquisition itself becomes a major component of these papers.

By considering these four main ideas - prediction model, optimization metric, algorithm focus, and dataset approach - researchers are able to develop more robust and effective auto-exposure algorithms that can be applied across a wide range of computer vision applications.

Research Papers

In this section, I will talk about the research papers individually. If your curiosity trumps you, there is a table at the end, where I summarise each of these papers according to the above-mentioned four criteria.

[1] Auto-adjusting Camera Exposure for Outdoor Robotics using Gradient Information

Shim et al. investigate the use of image gradients as an optimization metric. Their premise for this approach is the fact that most computer vision algorithms work in the gradient domain and hence capturing images with rich gradient information is an important first step.

The optimal exposure value that maximizes gradient information is determined by generating seven synthetic images of the current scene at different exposure values and using the computed metric values of the images in a simple optimization algorithm. The synthetic images are generated using the current image and a gamma-correction technique, \(I_{out} = I_{in}^γ\), where γ = [0.1, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 1.9]. So their prediction model is γ transformations. The entire process is shown in Figure A.1.

Figure A.1 [1]

The algorithm proposed by Shim et al. only adjusts the exposure time and ignores gain. Which in fact becomes one of the downsides of this approach. However, in an updated version of their paper, they do mention how in their experiments they adjust gain once shutter speed reaches a pre-defined maximum value but the whole process of updating gain is left unclear.

Lastly, to validate their algorithm, they used a three-camera system, where the first one runs the built-in auto exposure, the second one runs the proposed algorithm, and the third is set manually by a human. And they use this setup to test steady-state exposures, and downstream tasks - like pedestrian detection, visual odometry, etc.

[2] Personalized Exposure Control Using Adaptive Metering and Reinforcement Learning

The proposed algorithm by Yang et al. is quite unique in the way it tackles the problem of auto exposure. Their prediction model is an interesting combination of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Reinforcement Learning (RL). They employ a two-stage approach, where the CNN is used to mimic the behavior of a native camera, like the one you find in your smartphones. The goal of this CNN is to predict the change in exposure value that would be optimal for a given image. This coarse model is then fine-tuned using RL, where the RL loop incorporates feedback from the user in terms of “under-exposed”, “correctly exposed”, or “over-exposed”. This information is then used to fine-tune the model to predict the final change in exposure suggested by the model. The entire process is shown in Figure A.2.

Figure A.2 [2]

The way they train their coarse model or the CNN is by supervised learning. What it means, is that we have a training pair i.e., for every image we provide as an input to the CNN, we know what the corresponding \(\Delta EV\) is. With these training pairs, we can train the CNN. The fine model or RL model uses a policy gradient with a Gaussian policy where the reward is based on user feedback.

This algorithm uses an implicit definition of “Exposure Value (EV)”. The purpose of the EV is to combine shutter speed and gain into a single parameter. This is fine for an academic research paper or tools that work with EV. However, since the definition of EV is unclear, adapting it to cameras that deal with explicit values for shutter speed and gain might be difficult.

In order to train these models, the authors use the Flickr and MIT datasets. They use Flickr for the coarse model, where they create a synthetic dataset by passing the images from the dataset through Adobe Lightroom and creating training pairs. They use the MIT FiveK dataset for the RL model. Since the images in this dataset are RAW images, tweaking them to create synthetic images is easier and more accurate.

[3] Camera Exposure Control for Robust Robot Vision with Noise-Aware Image Quality Assessment

This algorithm by Shin et al. has an underlying premise similar to what was proposed by Shim et al. in the first paper. Instead of just maximizing the gradient information, it uses a combination of gradient information, global image entropy which encapsulates basic image attributes like color, contrast and brightness, and a noise-based metric. The first two metrics - gradient and entropy are supposed to be maximized while noise should be minimized. So they use a weighted cost function that they optimize for.

Unlike Shim’s paper, where they use γ-transformation as a prediction model, Shin et al., do not use any prediction model. In order to calculate metric information at a variety of exposure levels, it simply triggers the camera to capture a new image at the latest exposure setting. To determine exposure settings at which to capture the images, the algorithm uses Nelder-Mead optimization. The Nelder-Mead optimization is a method for finding the minimum or maximum value of a function without using any derivative information. It works by iteratively modifying a set of points (called a simplex) in the search space until the best point is found. The initial point in this case the initial shutter speed and gain values. I have explained this whole process in a simplified diagram in Figure A.3.

Figure A.3

The good thing about this algorithm is that this works with explicit definitions of shutter speed and gain. And the optimization loop covers the search space for both these parameters.

For their experiments, they also capture their own dataset. They define a search space for both shutter and gain depending on indoor vs outdoor static scenes. Then they capture 550 images at all possible combinations of shutter and gain within the search space.

[4] Learned Camera Gain and Exposure Control for Improved Visual Feature Detection and Matching

This by far has been my favorite paper to read. Tomasi et al. in this paper propose the use of a deep convolutional neural network model to predictively adjust camera gain and exposure time parameters. They propose a CNN that takes as input a sequence of the past three frames along with the respective camera parameter settings and regresses adjustments to the exposure time and gain. The sequential input of three images ensures that temporal information is passed into the network to observe how the images are changing, while the inclusion of the current gain/exposure allows the network to decouple the changes due to varying parameters from the changes due to varying external illumination.

They train the above CNN in a self-supervised fashion. In order to do this they use a combination of the number of features found in the most recently captured image and the number of inlier feature matches between sequential images as an optimization metric. To find the training targets for such an approach they use a window of four frames to identify the target shutter and gain for each given frame. This way, they eliminate any manual labeling of the data.

Figure A.4 [4]

As shown in Figure A.4, the network takes as input a sequence of images \({I_t, I_{t−1}, I_{t−2}}\) and the corresponding gain \({G_t, G_{t−1}, G_{t−2}}\) and exposure \({E_t, E_{t−1}, E_{t−2}}\) values, and outputs the next gain \(G_{t+1}\) and exposure \(E_{t+1}\) settings that predictively maximize the number of inlier feature matches in future image frames.

To train this network, they use a sampling-based data collection procedure using a dual-camera configuration, with two identical cameras mounted side-by-side. Further, their sampling strategy involves capturing images while moving, which ensures that we account for motion blur due to changes in exposure time. To ensure that they effectively sample values that are near the optimal region of the parameter space, they use an ‘informed’ sampling approach. Their dataset collection is quite intriguing and something I recommend going ahead read in detail.

[4] Auto-Exposure Algorithm for Enhanced Mobile Robot Localization in Challenging Light Conditions

This paper by Begin et al. is one of the latest papers in this line of research. This feels like a very direct improvement over the first paper by Shim et al. In this paper, they have directly addressed each component of the paper by Shim and proposed an improvement or an additional module over it.

Instead of using gamma-correction, they propose the use of Photometric Response Function(PRF)-based transformations. A PRF function maps the exposure of a camera sensor to the intensity of the image. They also add saturation feedback to compensate for the prediction errors due to image saturation.

The optimization metric they use is the same as Shim’s algorithm - Gradient Information.

Unlike Shim’s algorithm, which does not deal with exposure and gain explicitly, Begin et al. propose a comprehensive update strategy for both shutter and gain that minimizes motion blur and noise. They balance gain and shutter using a single constant factor that weighs the relative importance of image noise and motion blue depending on the target application.

The experimental setup used in their work and shown comprises two cameras. All experiments are performed with the cameras mounted on a custom three-axis (xy–yaw) motion table. The first camera runs the built-in AE algorithm, while the second one runs the proposed algorithm. The cameras then run through a pre-defined path following a set of textured targets and determining matched features across these targets.


The following table consists of a summary of the above five algorithms -

Paper Name Year Prediction Model Optimization Metric Algorithm Focus Dataset Approach
Auto-adjusting Camera Exposure for Outdoor Robotics using Gradient Information 2014 Gamma Transformations Gradient Information Exposure Three-camera system to run experiments and comparison
Personalized Exposure Control Using Adaptive Metering and Reinforcement Learning 2018 CNN + RL Supervised training and user feedback Exposure Value Flickr and MIT FiveK datasets
Camera Exposure Control for Robust Robot Vision with Noise-Aware Image Quality Assessment 2019 None [Nelder-Mead optimization] Gradient information, Entropy, and Noise Shutter Speed and Gain Captures of a static scene with shutter and gain evenly spaced in the search space.
Learned Camera Gain and Exposure Control for Improved Visual Feature Detection and Matching 2021 CNN Number of features and the number of inlier feature matches Shutter Speed and Gain Informed sampling using two cameras
Auto-Exposure Algorithm for Enhanced Mobile Robot Localization in Challenging Light Conditions 2022 PRF transformations and Saturation Feedback Gradient Information Shutter Speed and Gain Two camera setup mounted on a custom three-axis (xy–yaw) motion table


[1] M. Hebert, A. Willsky, and Y. Chang, “Auto-adjusting camera exposure for outdoor robotics using gradient information,” in Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. IEEE, 2014, pp. 2313-2318.

[2] P. W. S. Hung, S. Y. Chen, and C. C. Wu, “Personalized exposure control using adaptive metering and reinforcement learning,” in Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2018, pp. 606-622.

[3] L. Zhang, Z. Guo, G. Shi, and X. Wang, “Camera exposure control for robust robot vision with noise-aware image quality assessment,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 3454-3461, 2019.

[4] H. Liu, R. Wang, H. Kazemzadeh, and N. Barnes, “Learned camera gain and exposure control for improved visual feature detection and matching,” in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2021, pp. 13806-13815.

[5] S. Kim, S. Lee, D. Kim, and S. K. Kim, “Auto-exposure algorithm for enhanced mobile robot localization in challenging light conditions,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 1742-1749, 2022.